Track Categories
The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.
Recent trends in cardiology include a focus on the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) through lifestyle modifications and risk factor control. Over 80% of CVD is preventable, and modifiable risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and dietary risks are leading causes of the disease. Central Asia and Eastern Europe have the highest mortality rates from CVDs worldwide. The establishment of metabolic cardiology has highlighted the close relationship between metabolic disorders and CVDs, and treatments for metabolic diseases have shown benefits for CVDs patients. The use of artificial intelligence and e-medicine in healthcare delivery has shown promising results, allowing for a shift from doctor-centered to patient-centered care.
The word "cardiovascular disease" refers to conditions that affect the blood vessels and heart. CVD is now the most well-known cause of death worldwide. It is caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, which can raise the risk of blood clots. It may also damage organs with arteries, including the eyes, kidneys, heart, and brain.
Diabetes is a severe disorder that develops when normal blood sugar levels rise too high, causing nerve and blood vessel damage. The longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are to develop heart disease; people with diabetes can have a higher risk of developing heart disease at a younger age.
Paediatric cardiology is the study of heart disorders in children and adolescents. Paediatric cardiologists must have a clear understanding of general paediatrics as well as experience in heart disease in order to offer comprehensive treatment to their patients. Arrhythmias and circulatory function abnormalities in children are treated by paediatric cardiologists in a broad sense.
Cardiovascular surgery is surgery that involves the great arteries and the heart, and it is performed by cardiac surgeons. It is primarily used to treat ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, and congenital heart disease caused by a variety of factors, including rheumatic heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart transplantation, and endocarditis.
In coronary heart disease, diet is a major risk factor. Obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, and a saturated fat-rich diet are all risk factors linked to food. A diet rich in fiber, low in saturated fat, and high in plant foods can significantly lower the risk of heart disease.
Anxiety and its disorders are prevalent in patients with cardiovascular disease, and they can have a big impact on their health. Anxiety disorders have been related to adverse health effects, including death, and have been linked to the initiation and development of heart disease in many cases. The associations between anxiety disorders and cardiovascular disease can be explained by both physiologic and health behaviour mechanisms.
Cardiac nursing is a form of nursing that deals with patients who have a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Congestive heart failure, unstable angina, cardiomyopathy, and coronary artery disease are all conditions that cardiac nurses can assist with. They have postoperative treatment and health evaluations on the surgical unit.
Since COVID-19 patients often experience respiratory and cardiac complications, critical care cardiologists may be best qualified to enhance their care. Critical care cardiologists will help triage patients from community locations, direct the extension of critical care services to other sites within the hospital, and advise colleagues in addition to treating acutely ill patients.
Preventive cardiology is a subspecialty of cardiology that focuses on lowering patients' risk of developing heart disease and experiencing their first heart attack or stroke, as well as avoiding complications in people who already have heart disease.
Men are considered to have a higher risk of heart disease than women. In the United States, however, it is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Women also don't know what to look for because certain heart attack signs vary from those in men. Women may begin to reduce their risks by learning their specific heart disease symptoms.
Technological advancements in cardiovascular imaging have entered every area of practice in a relatively short period of time, resulting in noticeable changes in diagnosis and effect on patient management. Since their introduction, all imaging technologies have improved to the point that imaging has become indispensable in clinical practice and study.
Cardio-oncology, also known as cardiovascular oncology, is an interdisciplinary area of medicine that studies the molecular and clinical changes in the cardiovascular system as a result of various cancer treatment methods, especially chemo- and targeted therapy.
Any valve in the heart may be damaged or diseased, causing valvular heart disease. Valve disease is brought about by a number of factors. The valves monitor or regulate the flow of blood into and away from the heart by opening and closing.
Atherosclerosis is a form of cardiovascular disease. The risk of a heart attack or stroke is greatest first thing in the morning. In the evening, there is a second, but lower, peak for stroke. These trends correspond to changes in stress hormone levels, heart rate, and autonomic nervous system behaviour, all of which may influence cardiovascular function.
Non-invasive methods are used in nuclear cardiology studies to measure myocardial blood flow, determine the heart's pumping function, and imagine the scale and position of a heart attack. Myocardial perfusion imaging is the most commonly used nuclear cardiology procedure.
The main cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world is cardiovascular disease, which includes heart disease, arrhythmias, and hypertension. There are a variety of devastating disorders that affect the heart and/or vasculature, resulting in a strong demand for cardiovascular drugs. This session aims to examine some of the most important therapeutic targets in the cardiovascular system, as well as the medications that have been developed to combat them.
Researchers found similar risks for all-cause and cerebrovascular mortality in a study contrasting the health of vegetarians and non- vegetarians. The data did reveal, however, that a vegetarian diet was linked to a lower risk of ischemic heart disease mortality.
Medical equipment and instruments are critical in assisting doctors in analyzing and monitoring patients. They can also help patients who use electronic devices to track improvements in chronic conditions outside of office visits improve their quality of life. The medical sector has changed dramatically in recent years as a result of many important developments.
Experimental Cardiology studies the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease, that serves to develop novel diagnostic modalities and treatments for cardiovascular disease.
- Cardiac Maladaptation to Stress and Damage
- Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular Function
- Coronary and Cerebral Vascular Damage & Repair
- Angiogenesis in Health and Disease
Cardiovascular engineering is a field that studies the role of the cardiovascular system, as well as the mechanisms and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular engineering research aims to answer some of the most fundamental questions about how cells, organs, and the human body function.
A branch of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of heart, blood vessel, and circulatory system diseases. The heart, which pumps blood through the circulatory system's blood vessels, is an essential muscle organ in living animals. Medicines used to treat other health problems have a significant impact on the heart and can result in a variety of side effects.